Are you offering technology in the B2B space? Marketing to a technical audience requires a special approach because techies hate marketing. Unless you are a superstar blogger (which takes time and does not scale) or want to travel to seminars and conferences, you need something that is more practical. Something that works online, can be done remotely and also scales beyond just yourself - so you don't become the bottleneck.

Watch this video tutorial and discover a surprising new way that works: the ForaTechnica way!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to reach a technical audience - that typically hates marketing
  • How to be seen as a market leader in your niche (so hurry before your competitors learn this!)
  • Online and remote - without travel
  • Without paid ads
  • Without a blog
  • Proactively search, find and reach out to lots of prospects in the countries and industries of your choice (and if you want specific job titles, that's possible too)!

Who is this for?

This is ideal for you if you are selling B2B technology and want to try a new approach to marketing. It works just as well for startups, for SMEs and for the biggest of companies. Startups will appreciate that they don't need to hire their own marketing or sales force to get started, and the basic tools you need to get going are all free.

Presented By Guy Pardon, PhD

Guy founded Atomikos, a B2B software company (and customer of ForaTechnica's). As such, he has experienced all the difficulties in reaching a technical audience: techies just don't like marketing.

When Atomikos tried the ForaTechnica way, things changed. Atomikos is now able to find its desired audience with laser focus, and reach out to them in a way that warms them up for the marketing and sales message.

Who is better placed to explain our system than one of our customers? Guy agreed to share his experience and present the ForaTechnica system so you can get the same results. Just watch this video tutorial and find out for yourself.